Cosmetic and Therapeutic Botox

Neuromodulators, like Botox, are used to relax wrinkle-causing muscles. Botox is the #1 non-surgical cosmetic treatment worldwide.

Cosmetic Botox

Botox is used to temporarily relax wrinkle-causing muscles. This will prevent the formation of new wrinkles and is used to treat already present wrinkles.

Dynamic wrinkles are the wrinkles produced when a muscle is contracted. Static wrinkles are the wrinkles that remain when the muscle is relaxed. Dynamic wrinkles become static wrinkles over time. Botox relaxes the muscles so dynamic wrinkles cannot be formed. This allows static wrinkles to reduce as well. Botox is used to prevent or reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Therapeutic Botox

Botox is approved by Health Canada for therapeutic purposes. Common conditions treated with Botox are migraines, jaw dysfunction and excessive sweating. Discuss your current health concerns with you health care provider to determine if therapeutic botox is right for you.